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Old 02-27-2012, 11:28 AM   #59
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
In a time of a completely destroyed economy, massive unemployment, an administration that hints more and more about increased action against Iran and tax law that is complete nonsense, Santorum chooses to focus on birth control, teaching creationism in schools and the government getting further and further involved with our personal lives.

I've said this before... Santorum is a front runner because he appeals to the religious fringe. Religious people in the US are passionate about their religious beliefs, not as much as those psychopathic Islam followers in the Middle East the riot and kill over a burnt book, but still passionate. That religious passion is the only reason Santorum is relevant today, but it's also the reason he would be completely destroyed in a general election.

More people are declared Independents now than either Dems or Repubs. Elections are won in the middle. Romney used to appeal somewhat to moderates but his lack of a spine has him pandering to the fringe and boasting "hey look! I can be conservative too".
You missed the point a bit. Santorum isn't choosing to focus on birth control, he wants to talk about the economy. However, the MEDIA are focused on his opinions on birth control, because they are trying to paint him as a fanatic. The last thing the media wants is for folks to hear what Santorum has to say about fixing the economy, because anyone with half a brain knows that conservative economic principles are the only thing that can save us from following Europe's lead down the economic toilet.

I probably wouldn't vote for Santorum in the primary, but if he wins the primary, I'll sure as hell vote for him in the general.

As John R hinted at, a whole lot of problems in our society can be traced back to the breakdown of the nuclear family. Obama knows this, but refuses to talk about it, because like other liberals, Obama doesn't want to tell anyone that anything is their fault. It's easy to tell people what they want to hear.
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