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Old 02-27-2012, 11:18 AM   #5
Jim in CT
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Spence, you are at least consistent, I'll give you that...

"Most of the people there didn't ask for us to come or stay"

Spence, what we have done in Iraq and Afghanistan is liberate millions of innocent Muslims from other, monstrous Muslims. I was there, as you probably know. I still get letters from some of the families I met, thanking the US for making their lives so much better than they were before. We were literally the answer to their prayers.

"It's astounding that someone didn't know this would be seen as incredibly insulting and used against us"

No, what's astounding is that liberals like you are so backwards and devoid of logic, that all you can do is talk about how horrible it is that someone would accidentally desecrate the Koran. You and you ilk somehow fail to see that the tragedy here isn't that a book got burned. The tragedy is that large numbers of Muslims feel that a few pages of paper are worth more than dozens of innocent lives, and YOU REFUSE TO CALL THEM ON THAT. If Obama had a shred of integrity or honor, he'd tell these Muslims that they should be kissing the feet of every single American soldier they see. Instead, when a bookgets burned, they use that as an excuse to commit mass murder. But because Muslims have been anointed with "victim" status by liberals like you, you won't hold them accountable for silly, insignificant transgressions like mass murder.

Hence my statement that liberalism is a mental disorder. Instead of decrying the mass murder, you (and Obama) apologize for the fact that some paper got burned. You people are completely, completely insane.
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