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Old 12-30-2011, 10:44 AM   #30
time to go
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Originally Posted by fishbones View Post
Ed, I said your argument was flawed because you gave reasons such as kids feeling inferior, injuries and deaths for not having school sponsored sports programs. But at the same time you said that they should be privatized. If they're that bad for kids, there should be no sports allowed anywhere.

And now that I see your real reason for not liking school sports, I realize you aren't going to change your mind. You had a traumatic experience in HS and blame it on the coach and sports program. It's a shame that you couldn't change the perception people had of you over the next couple years in school and move on. I agree about seeking counseling. This is something you should have gotten past years ago and to let it still bother you this much isn't good for your well-being.
I only said it could be privatized to allow for flexibility realizing perhaps my experiences have influenced me and extremes such as total elimination of competitive sports might be unreasonable.
Once again my issue was the cost involved with these programs and my belief that something needs to change; isn't that what the populous voted for....change Without discussions we don't move forward, stop worrying about me and get back to the issue of the cost of competitive sports.
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