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Old 12-30-2011, 10:32 AM   #27
time to go
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 2,318
Originally Posted by Sea Dangles View Post
Seek counseling immediately.
The system is flawed but you have issues a fishing board can't fix.
Let it go and get on with life.
Thanks for your compassion but this site does have different areas for conversations just like this. You may or may not agree with how I see the world but you haven't walked in my shoes either. My personal experiences have shaped my mind and allow me to discuss issues openly which I think adds to the site. Should I refrain from posting my opinion in the future just to satiate the ones who don't agree with my perspective? I have a feeling some people do agree with me but consider posting the equivalent of touching the third rail, I say speak your mind and stand with your convictions.

What difference does it make whether a juvenile plays competitive sports where they are being trained to beat the other person as opposed to being taught to work with others through conditioning? Competitive sports teaches aggression and aggression isn't always a good thing, it's time to break the cycle.

This discussion has morphed into judging me rather than the issue of the cost associated with competitive sports in public schools and the impact of competitive sports on juveniles both from a physical and psychological perspective.
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