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Old 12-29-2011, 03:27 PM   #15
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Location: Reading Mass/Newburyport/merrimack river
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I hated school.. if not for sports my grades would have gone down the proverbial crapper...if your grades were bad you didnt make the team (s).. it gave me added incentive ( besides Dad's left foot up my keister)to keep a high grade point average..

They need to get rid of the damn computers and teach the kids some real life skills...most of these kids can't cook... dont know how to balance a check book, use a tape measure or add the sum of two numbers with out a calculator...sports in school gives alot of them the only excercise they will get for the week... no one ever got in shape posting on face book or my space..while I'm railing here.. what ever happend to walking to school or to the bus stop... most mornings i get stuck behind school buses that stop every 200'.. you telling me the little darlings can't walk an extra 200'.. no wonder the kids are getting obese...Rant over or I'd be here all night..

A good run is better than a bad stand!
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