Thread: WAL-MART
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Old 07-17-2011, 09:48 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Come on Nebe, without companies like Wal-Mart you wouldn't have a single location to purchase from a limited selection of cheap crap produced in third world countries.

Similar to the progressive continual transformation of the U.S. government into a centralized control and command system rather than the federalist idea of sovereign states forming a compact for mutual protection and cooperation.

Instead, you'd have to waste time in and out of small business who are only able to cater to a local or specific needs. And since those people are closer to their products and customers they care about quality...and quality is EXPENSIVE.

Sounds, again, like the progressive big government solution to our "problems"--efficient centralization rather than the cumbersome and often contradictory weilding of power from local representatives who are familiar with the specific "needs" of their constituents (who have greater power to influence their local reps than they do to influence the central gvt.)--the cheap one size fits all solution you seem to like, rather than than the greater quality of customized governance.

And think of all those jobs Wal-Mart has sucked up and replaced with fewer lower paying jobs?

Or think of all the jobs destroyed by centralized government regulation and taxation and myopic, diversty destroying plans to "help" the "people."

How do you deliver shareholder value if you have all that overhead?

You have a lot to learn about business, or America for that part.

How do you deliver tax value when you create a massive bureaucracy loaded with redundant, wasteful overhead, and you spend more than you take in?

Last edited by detbuch; 07-17-2011 at 10:07 AM..
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