Thread: obamacare
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Old 06-11-2011, 01:29 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by RIJIMMY View Post
Unable? why? I say unwilling. Big, big difference. So you believe governemtn should step in and provide, govt should break the cycle? Throw more $$$ at the problem. ITS NOT WORKING!!!!

and zimmy, hmmm evidendce of a lack of self reliance....

- Obamacare
- Mortgage bailouts (not one human was forced at gunpoint to sign their mortgage)
- Wall Street bailouts
- GM bailouts
- see my "banned cupcake" thread
- theres a sign with 300 lines of text at the escalator in the train stations for "escalator safety"
Wall street bailout cost less than half of the savings and loan bailout in the 80's under reagan.

Gm bailout saved an enormous amount of jobs and tax payer money in the long term.

Obamacare is projected to save money in the long term

Kids parents should decide if they can have cupcakes

Again, reality is very different than what the Palinites state. Firing guns and ringing bells to warn the British

No, no, no. we’re 30… 30, three zero.
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