Thread: Test Them Guys!
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Old 03-09-2011, 03:59 PM   #13
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Just be carefull you don't overlook what the stripers go for most. Erratic behavior. Means crippled or hurt so can't move fast. If I had a nickle for the number of times I've watched striper-big and small- clobber a herring or bunker that was swimming on it's side with the eye looking down or almost swimming on it's back I could buy myself a really nice boat.Watch some of the videos on a couple of the plug manufacturers sites and see the way some of the stuff that works swims all over the place.As long as the swimmer doesn't spend most of it's time on it's back with the hooks in the sky you probably have a winner that will pull fish. You just need to find the right conditions that it will work best in. Fast current or slow current,calm water or rough.Swim deep or shallow. Just don't forget what the fish go after.Ron
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