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Old 01-15-2011, 07:37 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
OK, you did answer my question, thanks. Sincerely. The vast majority of your bretheren are not nearly as reasonable, and your unions use negotiating tactics that would make the Gambino family proud.

I assure you that forgoing a raise for a couple of years isn't costing you $3000 every year. It might cost you that mush in the year you gave up tha raise, but not in perpetuity.

Jim I don't know where the Ct. unions get their strength to strong arm elected officials into giving them these huge contracts, but I do know for the last five to ten years the power has swung around the other wy in Massachusetts, where unions that represent every facet of public employee have lost tremendous amounts of bargaining power.

In thirty seven years of public service, never bargaining for a contract, but being the recipient of what was bargained, both good and bad, I never ever saw any officers in my union strong arm anyone, and thats in any form. Now if what your saying that officers new certain things about certain elected officials and they used that, well you should take that info to the nearest F.B.I. office.

And why is it that you base everything on your being an actuary. Everyone here is familiar with unfunded liabilty, in all its forms. My wife has her graduate degree in math and she wouldn't go for any interviews to do actuarial work, because the money wasn't there.

I retired from public service last July. I don't make enough to survive on either. SO I WENT OUT AND GOT A SECOND JOB TO MAKE ENDS MEET.

You don't need to adjust the retirement system in regard to the 44 yr. old retiring and taking another job as a detective. The residents there just need to enact legislation making that illegal, they probaly wont though. Who wouldn't hire a retired, qualified person, who probably serve with distinction in one town, in another town, if he was healthy and had good references.

It is true, at least from my perspective, the "pay peanuts, get monkeys" analogy. I'll say this to back that up. When the men who served in WW2 and Korea came home there were no jobs. The towns gave them the first opening on various town departments as a way of thanking them for their service. Those men, were for the most part uneducated (high aschool), some were illiterate, I know this personally, but they had one thing going for them, and that is they believe in the order of things. Thats because of where they were four the last four or five years. These men, from my perspective were thugs at best. And the town didn't really care. They only cared that they didn't see anything, and the town didn't get sued. Well after a while towns did get sued. Because these guys did what they did best any way they could physically. The only people who saw the end result of this physical activity were the parents and loved ones when the beaten person came home. Thats why rules changed, and had to change, and that is why the Quinn bill in Massachusetts was first introduced in Massachusetts in regard to police officers. Even you will admit that a more highly educated individual is one whose skills and critical thinking proceeses better prepares the officer for the street. Now to the point. Educated officers received more compentsation than uneducated officers. Most officers now have some college. Some officers have several college degrees. In private business you dont have to ask for more money for degree work. You automatically recive it. In public service we have to beg for it. But I am digressing.................Educated officer dont place themselves or the municpalities in the postion to have to defend themselves from civil rights actions that cost the towns they work for and the insurance company that cover the towns huge sums of money. In Massachusetts, brutality compalints were so common they stopped reporting them 15 or 20 years ago. Now they report them because they make news because they rarely happen. So, if you pay peanuts you get monkeys, which translates to hired thugs, who can't be controlled, and act out worse in some ways than the perps on the streets do. But if you pay a decent wage to officers or other emplyees the benefits received back from the employees most often cant be seen. I can tell you personally I ended up in federal court three times, and its not pleasant. I was a witness all three times, never a defendent. But I can't tell you the defendents are just as I described above. Uneducated, uncaring, willing to fight at the drop of a hat, because the people they were dealing with they looked upon them as someone trying to take something from them. That doesn't happen anymore.

Oh, I have my own 401K also.

Last edited by Swimmer; 01-15-2011 at 08:01 PM..

Swimmer a.k.a. YO YO MA
Serial Mailbox Killer/Seal Fisherman
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