Thread: Palins Alaska
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Old 12-07-2010, 10:05 AM   #23
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
I'm not rehashing the tired debate of Wright and Ayers, and am not in this thread for the Obama vs Palin credentials.

She is a sell-out, period.
She left her office where she was this supposedly great Governor to make money and be a celebrity. She can spin it as it is what she needs to do, I say BS.

She wants a reality show to showcase Alaska, fine, I can deal with that, except then you bring in the queen of trashy, crappy reality TV, Kate Goslin, and expect to be taking seriously? Please.
"I'm not rehashing the tired debate of Wright and Ayers, and am not in this thread for the Obama vs Palin credentials."

Let me make sure I got this right. You point out her flaws, which I actually agree with. When I point out that Obama had similar (in my opinion worse) flaws, you dion't want to talk about those because they are "tired" points to you.

That's what liberals do. When you make a valid point, they end the debate. Usually by claiming racism. At least you didn't play that card.

A serious person might try to explain why Obama's associations are less eggregious than Palin's associating with Kate.

If you want to say it's un-presedential to do a reality show, I agree with you, you don't need to convince me. However, I happen to have an easier time swallowing a one-time appearance with Kate Gosselin than a lifelong intimate frienship with Rev Wright, or a long-term political relationship with a would-be mass murderer like Ayers. I think my point i srational and valid, you dismiss it as "tired" without even atempting to address my point.
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