Thread: GWB
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Old 11-10-2010, 12:18 PM   #12
sick of bluefish
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Wasn't refering to Bush as an ideologue. I meant the people who complain about Obama's trip, lunch menu, dress, handshakes, greetings and any other petty thing they can think of (or read off of some extremist website).
its pretty silly of you to spend time on a policial forum if you believe criticisms of the POTUS are petty. Feel free to applaud his actions, we'll listen. Why do you visit this area? Many of us dealt with 10X times the criticisms aimed at Bush for 8 years.

You believe these criticisms are petty because you take them individually. Thats a mistake. Many of us look at them as part of a broader critique, of which each criticism validates our initial perception of Obama.
I believe him to be arrogant, inexperienced, and far left wing. I also believe he looks at aspects of American culture , which I prize, with disdain.
I can back my opinion up with the following "petty" obvervations.
- the clinging to guns and religion comments
- bowing before the Saudi king
- continually ignoring public opion on major issues - health care, stimulus
- Continually addressing his critics and being defensive - immature for a president
- calling the GOP "enemies" during the election
- his comments that most americans shouldnt condemn spanish but should take the time to learn it themselves

I could go on and on. So what may seem petty to you, is really our way of constantly reflecting on our assesment and opinion of Obama and seeing if his actions change our opinion. I defended Ms Os trip to spain and think we should spend $$$$ to protect her. I try to look at both sides but with the big O he constantly lives up to the low expectatins O have of him.Unfortunately my observations make me think less of him almost daily.

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