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Old 11-05-2010, 12:47 PM   #2
Jim in CT
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She's a piece of work. She said to NBC yesterday that she did everything she could to get the deficit under control. Does she really think we're that gullable?

If she wants to run up zillions in debt, fine, but don't then tell me you're fiscally conservative. Geez.

I think he (Obama) could be very tough to beat in 2012. If the economy roars back, he gets re-elected. If unemployment is at 12% and the Dow is at 6,000, he goes away.

The GOP's problem is that it has folks who would make good presidents (Gingrich, Romney, Bobby Jindal, Mike Pence, Condy Rice - whom I love), they don't have any "rock stars". And unfortunately, substance isn't all you need to beat Obama, you need "cool". Marco Rubio could fit the bill, but he won't be ready in 2012 (even though with 2 years in the Senate, he'll be exactly as experienced as Obama was when he ran).

I was thinking that Obama would replace Biden with Hilary for the 2012 run (Biden does him no good now). But to switch the VP, the House needs to approve, and the GOP won't let him replace Biden with Hilary, because they'll know why he's doing it . She may well challenge him in a primary, God I hope she does, that would rip the party in 2.
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