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Old 11-03-2010, 04:02 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
By the way, Spence, I participated in the surge with the USMC. SWe all knew that Harry Reid, swell patriot that he is, said "the war in Iraq is lost", and if you don't think it demoralizes our guys, and emboldens our enemies, when the Senate majority leader says somehting like that, you're wrong.
Never been a fan of Harry Reid. While I can understand how some would have opposed the Surge at the time, his comments on the subject were pathetic.

To be quite honest, I was riding with a US Marine to a business meeting this morning and we agreed Reid was a douche. He also likes Newt, although didn't put up much of an argument when I trash talked him as a brilliant slime ball.

All that being said, I'd take Reid over Sharon Angle...she's a freak.

I love the Democratic party. Let's look at the line of succession for president.

(1) Obama. Voted to support infanticide as a state senator in IL
(2) Biden. Admitted plagiarist
(3) Nancy Pelosi. "I was never at a meeting when the CIA mentione dwaterboarding". "No, I meant to say I was at the meeting, but I didn't hear that part". "No, I meant to say that I heard that part, but they weren't specific on who they would waterboard". "No, I meant to say..."
(4)until recently, Strom Thurmond (my personal favorite), president pro tempore of the Senate, and an admitted former Wizard of the Klan who regularly used the n word until his death.
(5) Hilary Clinton, who claimed that during a visit to Bosnia, she had to DIVE! into her limo because of sniper fire. Whhen video footage clearly showed that was a lie, her excuse? "I was overtired". Everyone who has ever raised a baby has been overtired, how many then falsely claim to have been shot at?
(6) Timothy Geithner, who doesn't pay his own taxes...

Yessir, that's some list!!!
First, let's get your chain of command straight, Obama isn't in the line of succession to be POTUS

Second, Joe Biden wears nice suits and has great style.

Third, water boarding IS torture by nearly any measure. If we employ torture or not isn't the issue, let's just be honest about it.

Fourth, I think you meant Robert Byrd.

Fifth, she's been a pretty good Sec State.

Sixth, who really cares?

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