Thread: Predictions
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Old 11-02-2010, 01:40 PM   #22
Jim in CT
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My prediction...55 to 65 house seats, 8-10 senate seats. That is a colossal sea-change.

John R, I think, mentioned we are a centrist country. I'll disagree slightly, I believe we are center-right. Gallup did a big nationwide poll this year, asking people to identify their leanings. 42% said conservative, 35% said moderate, 20% said liberal. That's center-right.

I would normally say a balance of power between the 2 parties is best, not anymore. The democratic agenda, at the federal level, just doesn't pass the common sense test. To be a liberal is to really believe that the best way out of a recession is to tax-and-spend your way out.

Common sense suggests that cannot be true. And if you have no common sense, there is plenty of empirical evidence to suggest it isn't true, just look at what's happening in Greece, Ireland, France, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Portugal.

On national security issues, the liberal agenda is even more bizarre. Bin Laden makes a video claiming that Islam is at war with the west, amd liberals deny eny connection between Islam and terrorism. Securing our borders? Suggest that, and liberals will call you anti-Mexican.

Social issues? Liberals want laws that allow for partial-birth abortion, killing babies that are minutes away from birth? It's infanticide...those babies are induced into labor, the baby's body is stopped as it comes down the birth canal, and its brain is crushed, or it's drowned in saltwater. That's barbarcs on a Hitler-ian scale.

I used to think liberals meant well, but were misguided. I was wrong. It's a full-blown mental disorder. The liberal agenda requires a deliberate, willful ignorance of objective fact, and a suspension of all common sense and decency.

Obviously, there is such a thing as "too far right". But all of the evidence suggests that limited federal gov't, low taxes, individual liberty, pro-business environment is what leads to prosperity. A nanny state is destined to fail.
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