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Old 11-01-2010, 06:59 AM   #12
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
All bland, open-ended promises with no actual method to produce.

It's as if I go into work tomorrow and declare "I'm going to make us more profitable" and end it at that without any plan to do so.
Johnny D, you sound like someone who is so blinded by your opposition to one party, that you can't register what they are saying (I could be wrong, I don't know you).

Cut insane spending. Reduce massive federal entitlement programs that provide a disincentive to excel. Reduce taxes, putting money in our pockets, which can only have a stimulative impact on the economy. Work towards balancing the budget. Secure our borders and encourage legal immigration. Scrap Obamacare. Military tribunals, not civilian trials, for captured terrorists. Stand up to labor unions.

Am I going too fast for you? What about that don't you understand? Is that not more specific than "hope and change", which was someone else's campaign promise? Now THAT'S bland.

There is a republican congressional candidate in Michigan whose slogan is "less we can". Brilliant.

Big government, with massive entitlement programs, simply doesn't work. Look at Greece, Iceland, France, Great Britain, Ireland. Those countries are a few years further down this road then we are, and Democrats want to simply follow them into the abyss?
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