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Old 10-19-2010, 03:06 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by FishermanTim View Post
We should also hold the voters accountable too, since many will vote "the party line" without any thought about what the candidate will do or has done. It was never more evident than with the governor's and presidential election. People voted along party lines without ever reading one article or listening to one debate regarding their political "saviors". What did they get? Nothing but losers & lies.
I wish we could hold politicians accountable for all of their campaign lies, since they all seem to promise you whatever you want to get your vote, and end up robbing you blind, kicking you in the jimmies and telling you that it's all good!

Here's a novel approach: Don't waste MY time telling me stories and lies to get my vote, just DO YOUR DAMN JOB CORRECTLY!
Don't promise me the moon and stars and tell me how great things will be with useless "hope & change" rhetoric, just do what's best for the people OR the people may be dragging your a$$ out onto the street and beating it to a pulp if you screw around!
Fisherman Tim has my vote for whatever position he would like to have.
Well said.
I don't even know what parties (reb, dem) mean or stand for. Drives me INSANE how people just vote for people based on party affiliation, aka my wife, becuse she is a democrat and she has to vote for the democrat no matter how ignorant they may be cause that's the way it works, and if she doesn't vote for her party, the Gestapo will pay her a visit. Especially when she has no clue as to what their "agenda" are. I'm a democrat, so I vote for the democrat is her philosphy. A circus clown could be running, say he is a democrat, and my wife would vote for him simply on that principal.

As I have gotten older, I actually do pay attention and listen to who's got what lies and promises, then I just vote for the one seems to be best at lying..........and is most likely to let me keep my guns.
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