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Old 07-30-2010, 09:37 PM   #19
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Seriously, on the other hand, "the economy" was strong before the influx of millions of illegals and would be strong if they left--if it is allowed to function as a free market. Free market innovations respond to economic crises more productively, and more durably, than government intervention. An economy that evolves freely from the bottom up, as a result of competition between the numerous entrepeneurs is a thriving, growing, wealthy economy, as opposed to top-down, planned economies concocted by a small cadre of like minded rulers. Mao's "let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend" was a wonderful idea, and a bottom-up way to evolve his society. Unfortunately, he promptly executed any flower or thinker that competed with his one, top-down way.
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