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Old 07-22-2010, 07:08 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I don't think there's parity.

The only major cable outlet that will hammer "outrage" issues like this across programs is MSNBC, and most of the time they're outraged at what FOX News is reporting

Outside of this there really are few mainstream outlets on the web, radio, cable or print with a large readership/viewership which have a heavily liberal leaning.

For all the Right loves to bitch about "liberal media" I'm not sure the average person really experiences all that much of it.

I'm serious here, while I do think the likes of Maddow/Oberman aren't 100%, they do seem to pick fights they can win and are well researched. I don't see the same from a lot of the FOX programming, O'Riley perhaps being the best.

The "parity" (parity is not necessary to the argument nor is it possible) is not in the specifics. If the specifics were all the same the stories, actors, media, etc. would be identical. The "parity" is in the "pattern of behavior": Right wing bloggers to Fox news (if we presume this is a pattern)/ Left wing orgs. (Move on dot, NAACP, Soros, political spinners, left wing TV shows to ABC, NBC, CBS, and even to Fox. You say RW blogs to Fox not being fact checked and eventually found to be untrue and no apology is a "pattern". I'm sure it sometimes happens, but a "pattern"? It certainly, as well, happens from left wing orgs. to mainstream media, e.g.: "the Tea Party is racist"--unchecked for facts, unproven, story doesn't go away, there is no apology.
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