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Old 07-09-2010, 07:38 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by striperman36 View Post
And both parties walk away from the working guy laid off, and taking no action on extending unemployment benefits.
Glad AIG got TARP.
A government solution to helping the unemployed is loaded with bad consequences. Temporary help is understandable; long term benefits can create more problems in attitude and dependency than there are with unemployment. The most useful government action is allowing free markets to create jobs. Your point re Tarp is well taken. Even more to the point is the so-called stimulus. This type of excessive Government spending/money printing tends to suppress markets, not stimulate them, consequently depressing job growth. Having stolen the money from the marketplace to put into the hands of the Government, where half of it still resides, if Government wishes to help the unemployed, especially since it retards the growth that would provide them jobs, it should use the stolen money that sits around doing nothing to pay for extended benefits.
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