Thread: He is Gone
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Old 06-23-2010, 10:24 PM   #25
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: NYC
Posts: 440
Let me pose a hypothetical: If an article came out based upon the comments made by a colonel and his staff regarding McChrystal how long do you think it would be before McChrystal would have that guy sacked? The military code with guys like that only goes one way.
The sad part of this other than McChrystals career going down the tubes is that we had an opportunity to re-examine this COIN strategy and now we are committed to giving Petraeus another six to twelve months to give him a chance to make what everyone knows in their heart of hearts is not going to make a difference. We spend 100 billion each year on Afghanistan. We could take that money and lower the deficit, fund the VA so the warriors wounded in this conflict get the proper treatment they deserve, fund health care and improve our education system.
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