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Old 06-23-2010, 09:14 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Swimmer View Post
It is his way of sticking up for them. When his Sgts. are emailing him from the field asking him to explain why our elected and appointed officials are dissing the soldiers in the field they want to know the superiors back them.
This goes way beyond that. And to knowingly do so in a global magazine that you know will make a big story sounds more and more like a calculated hit every day.

Remember this is the same General who argued passionately for more troops to execute his strategy, and what did Obama do? He gave him 30,000 more fighting men and women.

This general is a very special person. Walked over a hundred disciplinary hours in the quad at West Point. He shows up in the wee hours of the morning and goes on operations with Seals and other black ops units.
When you read up on most of the elite generals they all have pretty amazing stories.

He has to accept responsibilty for what his subordinates said in the article, but I don't see personally where the general said anything wrong.
We're talking about characterizing the Whitehouse as the real enemy. That's not sticking up for your troops, it's called insubordination and almost has treasonous undertones.

Imagine getting where he is in life only to have to turn around at the apex of his career and have to take orders from this group of miscast politicians who think they actually know how to win a war, but what they do best is dodge supoenas in the Blago trial.
Many said the same thing about the Bush Administration.

The general himself was one of the first people to put pen to paper and write about not only winning a war in another country but then helping rebuild it after the fighting is over.
He was following Gen. Petraeus lead, someone who in recent times was very effective at using the media to state his mind and influence policy.

Without this general in charge the troops are not going to becoming home anytime soon.
Obama has let McChrystal run the war his way and the situation doesn't appear to be improving. The real issues here are much bigger than a single person.

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