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Old 06-22-2010, 11:35 AM   #9
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: NYC
Posts: 440
If he wants to criticize the gov't policy he should take it up the chain of command. If he gets no response and thinks it is a critical issue for the nation and our troops he can then go to the press. To engage in petty name calling with his staff in front of a reporter is wrong and calls into question imo his leadership abilities. I do not think the fact that most of the comments came from staff really absolves him. Staff take their cues from those who lead them and I am sure they were playing to a receptive audience.
If you ran a company would you have someone making remarks to a paper regarding the management team above him?
To address the point about prior conflicts I can not think of one general who criticized Lincoln who had the performance on the battlefield to back it up. In Vietnam I can not recall, and I admit my knowledge about this is weak, any generals who criticized publicly the US President or the policies. The one guy I can remember doing so was Col. Hackworth and they drummed him right out of the military.
I am not anti military by nature but like in any company sometimes you rise up the ladder to a place where your faults are exposed.
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