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Old 01-14-2010, 07:32 AM   #5
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I don't know, I'd been only half paying attention to this... having very little confidence in the State of Massachesettes ....until I drove to NH to see a customer last night and listened to 5 hours of radio, watched all of the ads while at my cust.'s my opinion, Martha Kennedy Coakley is the perfect successor to Teddy, we know, from dems and the media that this is Teddy's seat(rgardless of what that creep Brown spewed about the "peoples" seat or something, who the hell does he think he is???), the woman displays arrogance that is nauseating which is an important pre-requsite....she will obviously stoop to any level of smear and attack which is an endearing quality among the "chosen ones"'s the only mistake that she has made to this, it's not the "no terrorists in Afgh. comment", that was just a "distraction" and what is said today is forgotten tomorrow among the ruling class, "ahem...are there any OTHER questions", to secure the win next Tuesday and to guarantee her election for most of the next half century she should have had her thug assistant toss the reporter into the river and drown him....he was, after all a stalker, and nothing can stand in the way of her quest for power, even if she is a law enforcement official, laws don't apply to the elites....sometime between now and election she ought to appear in public drunk out of her tree, she can then claim victimhood from crazed stalkers, alcoholism which she inherited from her mother and maybe even cry a little, it worked for Hillary and dems are suckers for the victim pitch......maybe throw in a little mental illness claim that she can champion the causes for from Teddy's seat, she could be like a mother to Patrick and keep an eye on him because we know that he needs a lot of adult supervision and Bada Bing...and if that doesn't work...Acorn and the Unions are headed your way to "make sure things go smoothly"

I saw the ads...Scott Brown is evil and wants to eat your children...Martha Coakley for Senate In Massachusettes...don't let 50 years of despicable representation end, keep Teddy's Commie Health Care Dream alive even if he isn't!

Republicans are all evil and want you dead!!!!!!(at least that's what I gathered from the commercials)

Last edited by scottw; 01-14-2010 at 08:05 AM..
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