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Old 09-16-2009, 10:01 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I'm curious what people think the government should enforce in regards to health insurance regulation.-spence
Of course, we can disregard my suggestion in another thread that insurance IS the problem, and that paying out of pocket would solve that problem. Naturally, that is and old-fashioned concept and is not relevant to the modern world.

Perhaps, you might reframe your question. Instead of what regulations SHOULD the government enforce, might we instead ask what should the government DEREGULATE. Tort reform has been mentioned (damned good point that gets not even a tweak of a response). Instead of federally and by state restricting choices, ALLOW competition between private ins. cos.(not the false competition of privately run by profit versus government run by taxes, debt, and printing money). Insist that people should be AT LEAST as interested and involved in, and ready to pay for their health as they are in paying for TVs, cars, food, clothes, entertainment, education. . .

If you want private ins. cos. to exist, you must let them make the profit they desire. They are looking to make the best return on their investments. And if you restrict that, they can invest elsewhere. If bottom-line profits are so objectionable, then, by all means, let's have the public option. The beauty of that is that it will halt the booming progression of products that extend life. Research will wither for lack of profit motive. Existing drugs will eventually lose proprietary rights, falling into the public domain and be strictly produced for government distribution, many becoming obsolete as resistant biological strains develop. Life span will shrink, solving much of our social security, medicare, and health care costs. Population growth will halt, solving overpopulation, which will solve the global warming problem through decreased use of carbon. The terrorists will not think it worthwile to destroy such a diminished state, besides they won't have enough money due to falling oil sales. And people will finally see the necessity and greatness of an all-powerful, benevolent government and NEVER vote Republican again. UTOPIA!!!

Last edited by detbuch; 09-16-2009 at 10:14 PM..
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