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Old 03-27-2003, 11:56 AM   #25
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Evil prevails when good men do NOTHING.

Saddam has to go!

The more I hear about the unconventional ways of warfare taken by Iraq, the more & more I agree with our President and back the cause.

As far as the protesters are concerned, they should stand as human shields in front of our soldiers, instead of standing in front of Terrorists!...

They should have been standing in front of the twin towers on Sept 11th!

We also need to stop trying to fight a politically correct war because of these boneheads in our Nation, because it is resulting in more deaths of our soldiers!

If the Iraqi Government refuses to fight conventional warfare, the US needs to respond accordingly.

Contrary to the thinking of the politically correct, the end results of this will be saved lives!

How many of you have heard about the american woman who travelled over to Israel and stood in front of an IDF Tank that was heading into a palestinian building in retaliation from a terrorist attack?

The tank stopped... asked the protester to move, and when she refused, it simply ran right over her.

She deserved what she got.

I feel the same way about the protests of the politically correct in our great Nation.

Let them go over to Iraq & stand in front of the elite republican gaurd.

This craziness needs to stop, so that we can effectively get the job done and get our Troops back home.

God Bless America!
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