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Old 03-24-2003, 11:43 AM   #8
schoolie monster
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I am all for intelligent debate and I support someone's right for peaceful protest and to express their opinion against the war.

However, at the point at which it becomes an unruly mob and things get violent, I have to wonder if they are pro-peace, or just anti-USA. You don't support peace by becoming violent and/or disrupting traffic, business, etc.

And another important point that many of these people should consider.

We are in a heightened state of alert and possibly in more danger than ever of having terrorist attacks on our soil. These protests are taking away valuable resources from our fight against terror here in the US.

This is directly affecting all of us in a negative way.

You don't think the terrorists would use this to their advantage. If I was a terrorist, I would. I would use these distractions to my advantage.

I saw some interviews of the protestors in NYC this past weekend. They said they were against the war 'cause of the 100's of thousands of Iraqi civilians we had and would kill. Now that is an educated opinion. Not even the Iraqi gov't which transparently lies and gives obviously false info, not even they have claimed alot of civilians have been killed.

And my opinion of the arab nations and there anti-war demonstrations? I would be interested to no if they protested Iraq's invasion of Kuwait a decade ago. When Muslims were killed by Saddam's Regime. Or if they gathered to protest each time Iraqis were killed or mutilated or raped. This isn't anti-war protests, its just anti-American.
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