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Old 04-16-2009, 08:57 AM   #29
sick of bluefish
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
This is a very skewed and misleading "challenge."

I haven't watched much about the tea parties. But, it would be of no surprise to me that educated people are the ones at these tea parties when you consider the subject. A majority of the changes to the tax code have limited effect on people making under $75,000, thus they have no reason to take the day off from work (if they have a job) to hold a sign with some "clever" wording on it that uses the acronym CHANGE.

Why would the lower paid (and presumably lower educated) go out to these protests then?

Those weren't "Average Americans." The average American was at work that day, making $35,000/year and will benefit from the new tax codes.

On the other hand, the protests against Bush affected every aspect of this country, from the lowest paid (and jobless) to the highest paid.

In general, you know who you see at protests? Idiots. This isn't 1950 any more, no one cares about protests. The news covers protests so they have something to get people worked up about, but 99% of the people watching aren't going to do a damn thing.

You know what I do when I don't like something? I make a phone call or, more often now, write an email. Why? Because it's more effective.

One other thing about the protests. The people that are protesting aren't really protesting government spending and taxes. They're still pissed about losing in November. And that is the number one reason why I don't care about these "tea parties."
interesting that you say that the tax changes will not impact people making under 75K, I could have sworn Obama said he wouldnt raise taxes on anyone making 250k
And its also interestng that you dont think Obamas spending will impact all facets of society, we'll see

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