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Old 12-02-2008, 12:13 AM   #7
Crafty Angler
Geezer Gone Wild
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
I was thinkin' we could have a moderator or two in here - you up for the challenge? I was also thinking maybe Tagger could do his Friday night music stuff too, kinda feature like
I was thinkin' about it - I don't know if I'm moderator material or not - the good Professor would have to be right at the top of the list given his depth on the subject - besides, anybody who uses Frank for his avatar is okay in my book. God, I just realized I started listening to him when Freak Out was a new release...

Maybe I could be historian or something - that's an easy job for an old guy....

Seriously, I'd be happy to help in any way - this is a great new forum - maybe it'll throw a little water on the embers over the winter and keep the natives from getting restless

"There is no royal road to this heavy surf-fishing. With all the appliances for comfort experience can suggest, there is a certain amount of hard work to be done and exposure to be bourne as a part of the price of success." From "Striped Bass," Scribner's Magazine, 1881.
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