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Old 06-27-2008, 12:34 PM   #25
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RIJ, that last sentence says it all. "processing a lot of information she's not mature enough to process." Daughter number 1 has always been pretty independent and at times to get her own way, stubborn and argumentative. Never asked for help with school work and always got it done and got good grades. Never got into trouble. Around junior and senior year kids start experiencing things as an adult. Responsibilities for a car, job, sex (I hate to include that one but is true, let's face it), and the future are all fairly heavy duty for a kid. I think mine saw the writing on the wall, and it said, "You're going away and Mommy and Daddy aren't going to do for you any more, you need to do for you. You're pretty much responsible for you from now on." And by thinking she could blow off this college thing and live life like she has for a past years, she'd remain that kid who lives with us, gets her laundry done, raids the fridge... Good news is I think she's accepting the reality of things and maybe even that there might be someone out there better than the guy she settled for in high school (small school, not a lot to pick from).
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