Thread: DONE YET?
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Old 05-05-2008, 09:55 AM   #1
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I know, I know…just like the Clinton’s…just won’t go away…ole’ Nebe was probably pattin’ himself on the back…..but curiosity

So what I’m wondering is this…did any of the knee-jerkers ask themselves how they define unpatriotic and/or un-American?

Are the terms irrelevant or obsolete? I could argue both…but you hear them a lot form both sides….tolerance for their usage seems to depend on where you are standing at the moment…

Wait…no you’d rather debate which candidate represents more change and hope, right? “ I’m all about change…well, I’m about real change…well, I’m a change MERCHANT….oh, yeah, well, I’M THE AGENT OF CHANGE! ….NO WAIT, ….I’M THE SUPER CHANGER!!!” heh…heh

I picked Marxism and the dem candidates because bases on what I’ve seen here in the past I knew that it would draw the most ire and it was easy but replace Marxism in my comments with..Facism..or Communism…Totalitarianism …Radical Muslim…Mormonism(more later)…Mc Carthyism..Conservatism(pick your favorite “ism”…can any of those held as beliefs be considered un-American or by virtue of being an American and enjoying what that means is it impossible to be un-American and THEN...who gets to decide….can you condemn someone for drawing a line or distinction and then draw one for yourself and how do you justify it?? Because you assume that you are “the majority” are you then oppressing the minority??

One caveat, if you tell me that you would never, ever consider another American to be unpatriotic or un-American based on their beliefs then I applaud you…you at least are unwaveringly consistent, but I’m thinking that you are also likely few and far between

Dictionary definition: unpatriotic-deserting your allegiance or duty to leader or cause or principle
Un-American-not in accordance with the aims, ideals, or customs of the US , against the interests of the US

Someone remarked that with regard to a military member, Marxist beliefs would be OK but Radical Islamic beliefs “of course not”…why not?? Because that’s the flavor of the month? What about those that don’t believe that we’re actually in a war and that the radical islamists that dislike us so are justified because of our own actions, their hatred is our own fault and the result of American policies and if you believe that, how then could you alienate a US soldier who held those beliefs dear? Would you be consistent? If they held those beliefs but never acted can you really judge???

Harry Reid condemned a talk show host last year as UNPATRIOTIC for things that he believed were said, He took to the Senate floor a while later during the beginning of the “SURGE” and declared it an utter failure and the war in Iraq lost….with troops in the middle of a mission, likely under fire, would either of the two of the above definitions apply? Harry Reid would argue that his opposition to the war is actually what is PATRIOTIC and can then condemn it in any terms…Hell, Teddy Kennedy declared the war lost , “a QUAGMIRE”, and “another Vietnam”, three days after it began….one of our brightest military minds was called to congress, viciously savaged for the week leading up to the testimony and referred to a General Be-tray-us and then told he was a liar and a puppet before he ever said a word…Patriotic? I think a lot of folks would argue that all of this is perfectly justified because after all, the war is illegal and unjust right?? An MSNBC commentator recently declared crossover voting by Republican voters in dem primaries, while not illegal, un-American or unpatriotic…one or both, I forget, because of course, there have never been any instances of the SAME occuring REPUB. priamries

You can get enraged at me but ultimately I can’t say or do anything that will ever affect any of your lives…”just words”, truly

I read a column yesterday by a noted columnist in which Mormonism was deemed unpatriotic by it’s very nature…sound a little BROAD, wouldn’t you say eh…Dad?

I guess what I’m getting at is that there’s a lot of knee-jerk sensitivity to certain terms which I’ve proven ...and “just words” that send people into a tizzy, those that talk about shades of gray and tolerance are the first to “draw the line” according to their own beliefs and dismiss others for theirs……all over POLITICS

Maybe we should be more like the Europeans and have bi-partisanship and respectful debate always…wait a minute…have you ever seen what goes on over there in the government chambers….looks more like WWF than our own version …and they’ve had much more time to perfect bi-partisanship…

We are increasing being told that we are not allowed to judge by those that then weigh heavy handed judgment on those that disagree with them in terms far more offensive than the two above…those that claim the rights of “FREE SPEECH” will then organize an effort to destroy you, your livelihood or career for speech that is intentional, accidental, meant in humor or jest….anything found distasteful by their own standards….happens every day, apparently even worse in Canada and France…watch what you say there!

Spence, I’d love to talk “Teddy Rough Rider” with you… fascinating guy, fascinating times…but “where were YOU schooled”??? dude, that sounds so snobby…. The relevant point is that his actions "Teddy's" were motivated by the belief that from ancient republics to the present, republics failed when wealthy oligarchies exploited the poor or mobs plundered the rich, which insight he applied to the USA.”

I’m no genius, I’m no idiot, maybe a little mischievous…like to fish a lot and I see politics as a spectator sport because while the montra may be “every vote counts” ultimately each of us schmucks individually has very little effect on the overall process(especially if you are a democrat primary voter), just get all lathered up and mad yelling at each other about who is right and who is wrong….

1. “The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”
–Norman Thomas in 1969, former U.S. Socialist Party Presidential Candidate
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