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Old 03-26-2008, 06:13 PM   #24
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You should consider that both cypress and hemlocks or giant arborvitae take up much more space than most common arborvitae's used for hedges. When hemlocks start getting big there's only so much you can cut back before they get bare...and they keep growing, accept where you cut. I often see He & Cy planted staggered, they need space, planting them that way gives you faster cover. Driving around my towns back roads there are a few arborvitae growers, people have turned their properties into mini farmers. They go anywhere $12-20 a plant average 3'. I'll be buying about 15 or so in a few weeks for my place and that's the rout I'm taking. Personally, I like a nice tight green hedge for small to medium landscapes that need borders

We always dig a extra big hole filled it with peat moss and water and seated the plant....If you mix in compost they'll grow even faster.
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