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Old 05-24-2007, 02:06 AM   #12
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Not to mess this thread up // but zac struck a nerve :::

my son, was is a D/H first Jerry then Phish >>>>>>>>>.....excellent music on the JAM channel on sires [sp]

Anyway /as most of you now my wife fought one hell of a F #$%^&* battle with cancer / fighting it well over 7 + years >> she wouldn,t have made one /if it was for her determination >>>> she just kept settting goals /never quitting >>>>> damn i miss her><><

anyway ...her dieing wish was to go to hawaii >>>>>>> most of the doctors said noway /but there was one / who did everything possible to make it happen ;;
she couldn,t no longer eat & had a feeding tube // but everything was lined up ;;
My son & his wife went with us / they had been there twice before & wanted to chaffuer {US} around >>> but we knew he was there in [Case] ..
She loved it & saw every single sunset & she snokeled [[alone]]
By time we had gotten to our last night >> we saw another awesome sunset >>>>>> She then asked to go to the hospital >>>> she stayed there for 4 hours /got fluids & sent back to the condo // but the next morning she was back in >>>>>>>> we left there in time to catch out flights & the long ass ride home :;

we were [[home]] but exhausted ......... we sat around for a couple of hours & then she asked to go to the hospital >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
She was in the hospital for 5 weeks & they finally said that if she tried the one expermental Kemo that was left >.it would kill her // that afternoon we met with the doctor / social worker & hospice >>>>> by noon the next day she was home & with all the equipment necessary ;;
I set the bed up right in the living room /so see could see the sun & the birds / & friends that came to visit . we have a awesome family >>>>>>> & with & of us we were able to grant her wish of dying @ home ... while we all kept out work schedules /close to normal :;
Hospice /couldn,t believe it /she lived 5 more weeks @ home ;;
My son would go to work on Monday ..then stay on the couch / next to his mom ><>< make sure she was set . go to work & repeat the process thru Thrusday night // he & his wife had the weekend to recup to do it over again ;;
they say some %$%$%$%$ about [[not being there when a loved one passes >>>>>>>>
She passed on a Sunday afternoon & we were all there except her 85 Y/O father & Jay & kate ;;

we had some private time with her as we waited for hospice & the priest & the undertaker //

I had to call Jay >>>> & I wouldn,t let them move her until he got there ;;

being in the living room /I had tacked up a sheet /so when she was sleeping or needed privicy [sp] she had ;;

We all had some time with her while waiting for Jay ... jay & kate came in the side door >>>>>> which is always open to friends & family ;;

Jay & Kate went into the living room & the rest of us stayed out & let them have there time >>>>> About ten minutes go by >>& we hear music >>> Kockin on heaven,s gate & another song / that i can,t remember ;;
When it ended /none of us went in /But I yelled to jay place it again >. But loauded [sp] which was repeated a few more times /each time getting louder ;;

If there is a heaven >.. they heard her coming ;;

Sorry /i just lost it ,, MIKE


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