Thread: Rubbah burn...
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Old 04-04-2007, 05:34 AM   #12
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Join Date: Jun 2006
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Posts: 28
Not fun....guess those pleasure sticks have that whole pleasure/pain thing going on.
Rubber burns are probably similar to the days I spent as a hot tar roofer.
Stick and blister.

The worst one I had though was actually from Dunkin Donuts. Grabbed a coffee at a drive through before a trip to Newport and as I transfered it to the cup holder the top popped off and it poured down my arm. I was wearing a sweater inside of a leather jacket and it just wicked it right up. It was hot, but I pulled the "I'm a man, its not that bad" routine. Pulled over in Jamestown to take of the sweater and the skin from my arm came off with the sweater. Burns suck.

That one is nice...right on the joint too.

" the fisherman taking a great cod line to which he fasteneth a peece of lobster and threwes it into the sea. The rockfish biting at it, he pulls her to him and knockes her on the head with a sticke."
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