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Old 03-04-2007, 07:41 PM   #13
Mr. Sandman
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IMO this was way over reported AND in fact I think the press played right into her hands (again), and she must be loving all the air time. Big deal she (indirectly) called someone a name that wasn't PC. She may be accurate, who knows?...., who cares? If they would have just let it be it wouldn't be such a big deal but the press said "we'll get her now"...and gave her more air time then the President. If you are offended by this kind of thing then just wait until this election heats up...its gonna get nasty.
I can't wait to hear some of the stuff about hillary. Honestly, it has become a form of entertainment for me now. I dispise most politions, I gave up on them years ago and don't really care what happens to them. Watching them dig dirt on others, personally attack, make bad jokes, go out of control and generally self distruct and then try and spin everything to recover is actually fun to see now. This is why you can't get any decent people to run for office, it is hell....let them all burn.

coulter loves the attn and the press keeps giving it to her. The liberal press thinks they can squelch her and others by forcing other conservatives to comment on this kind of thing. They have to say "oh that was beyond line"...what line?, this is politics, there is no line, it is gonna get worse, much worse. I like her. I don't agree with everything she spews but most stuff I do. She can hold her own with the most whacko libs. We need more like her to stand up to the vocal no-nothing hollywood libs who voice their absurd positions.

How many other TV personalities make fun of and call really foul names of political leaders? Off the top of my head I can think of things said by:

Bill Mahar
Jon Stewart
Al Franken
Colin Quinn
Lewis Black
and many others that have said FAR WORSE STUFF, really nasty and the press doesn't pick on them? And many of them are not joking either, they really hate these guys and really mean what they say. Ann Coulter makes a joke about going into re-hab if she uses the word faggot and the press has a field day...gimmeabreakalready.
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