Thread: Now its my Mom
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Old 01-29-2007, 03:02 PM   #1
sick of bluefish
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Now its my Mom

Hey guys, havent been around much lately.
I don’t know if you remember, but I lost my Dad to cancer a year ago this June, he was 64. My Mom moved up from Florida to live near us, my kids were great therapy for her. She finally closed on her place and was getting settled this past September when we found out she too has cancer. It was in the colon, and then spread to the liver. She had surgery after Christmas to have the tumor removed, she started to recover but has been going downhill rapidly ever since. The cancer has spread in the liver and now into the stomach. She is in a lot of pain and was admitted to the hospital this week. They need to hit her with chemo asap. After seeing what my Dad went through, she really wants to know what chemo will get her. We are still waiting to find out what the doctor is suggesting. Its just not looking too good right now. I just don’t want to see her suffer. She is 62 and just like my Dad, exercised and ate healthy all her life. It is beyond bizarre that they both had this within a year of each other.
I’m not a religious guy, but your thoughts are appreciated. I feel like we have been in a daze for the last 3 years, first my Dad and now my Mom. Thanks for letting me get this out!

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