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Old 12-04-2006, 01:14 PM   #1
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How important are your health benies??

I know lots of people complain about there Job etc.. But do they ever take time and look at there health benefits? I just got the lowdown in the mail for my brief 3-1/2 days in the hospital last month, the Bill was a whopping $15,745 dollars !! Holy god ! If we did not have health coverage we would be in the street ! It cost us a total of $20.00 for the copay. My wife just told me that seeing that makes her thankfull indeed for her job and the benefits it provides. How in the world do people pay for healthcare without it! Now yes, its a gamble and sometimes you never need it but in my situation, it was a lifesaver...I was just shocked when I opened the bill and saw the cost of that...It did include Cat scans, antibiotics , doctors etc but still....Big money.
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