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Old 05-02-2006, 06:16 PM   #63
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Posts: 46
Originally Posted by basswipe
Depends on your definition of a lab.A laboratory is a controlled environment and the aquaculture ponds of Anderson that these fish were developed in certainly meet that criteria.They WERE developed in a lab.Also selective breeding IS genetic manipution.

Doesn't matter that they die in slatwater there will always be some moron who'll want his own private stash and will throw some in the local pond/lake.Introducing non-native species in a closed freshwater environment is risky.

But again as I said in my original post so far there have been no problems where these baitfish have been used.I'm neither for or against there use,I'm just saying caution is needed.

Btw what's up with quote function?That don't look right.
Okay, if that qualifies for the definition of a lab, so be it. In my minds eye, I picture a lab as a place with test tubes, white lab coats, microscopes, bunson burners, etc., but everyone has their opinions, and I'm not saying yours is incorrect. However, the genes of these fish are not manipulated in any way, but bred to be the heartiest and healthiest they can. Any breeder seeks out the qualities best desired in a certain species, much as horse breeders, dog breeders, etc, would, so I must disagree with your assessment that they are genetically altered. Semantics would be the case here, as genetic manipulation is a very bad way to describe the simple selective breeding to make a species strong, in my opinion. I am agreeing with you wholeheartedly on the need for care with any introduced species to a closed environment, and in no way do I condone or encourage some yahoo to start throwing them enmasse into fresh water, period. I guess in all walks of life there will be differing opinions, I'll have to be satisfied with those that will embrace these fish and use them successfully and responsibly, and hopefully none of the concerns that have been raised here will ever come to pass with Black Saltys or any other fish.

I hope everyone has a good start to the season, I know that the squid run has started, the mackeral are showing, and keepers to 15 pounds have been landed in the bay. Won't be long till we are all occupied with tight lines and fat fish, and can leave the hypothetical debates till winter ....
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