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Old 10-25-2005, 10:58 PM   #1
I need spring!
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gas station attendant

Went to a gas station in my town at lunch yesterday, guy asks how much, it's raining so I roll down the window and say "give me 20" and hand him a $20 figuring it's quicker so the guy doesn't have to come back to the window and he can get back inside. 3 minutes later after pumping the gas he comes up to the window and asks for the money ?!?! I tell him I just paid him when he asked how much. You know what happens next

Words are exchanged and I blow my top and start screaming at him and I tell him to cash out his drawer right now, which he doesn't. Call the cops so I don't look like I ripped him off cuz he's writing down the plate #. Cops come and listen to both stories. Guy says they don't take the money before pumping, even though he did. Cop makes him cash out and what do you know, the guy comes up $20 short of course cuz he pocketed it.

Cop tells me he doesn't think I ripped him off, otherwise I wouldn't still be there, I would have taken off. That's true because no way I'm gonna let someone call me a thief. But because it's my word against his and his drawer was short, cop says I gotta pay again or get arrested

Fuming now, I take out another 20 and rip it into 4 pieces and crumple them into a ball and whip it at the guys head and falls into a puddle. Cop gives me a grin But he did end up giving me a lecture about keeping one of my sons baseball bats next to the drivers seat Apparently they don't like to see that.

I'm going to talk to the owner of the station but I don't expect to get anywhere with that. So next week I'm going in and getting $30 worth of gas and when that same guy comes to get the money I'm dumping a bag of $30 in loose pennies out the window
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