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Old 01-24-2002, 12:29 PM   #17
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Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 129
Bob, I've never used glitter before. I think partly because most of my plugs have been painted to imitate a baitfish of some sort and I felt the glitter would take away from the finished product. To get that irredescent look I have used pearl paints which are translucent and show the color underneath. Since I have started pouring my own plastic baits and using glitter in them I have started to take another look at using them on plugs. Introducing fine glitter into the finish coat and then brushing it on would probably give you the best results.

John, it's fine by me if you think it would make ok article. Feel free to make any changes as you see fit. (like my grammar or spelling or whatever) Thanks ...mrpogie
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