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Old 08-19-2004, 02:22 AM   #11
Jonny Bolt
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Re: Re: Jealousy rears its ugly head.

Originally posted by CAL

That's a friggin riot!

I've seen who your moderators are. You might want your New England moderator to be someone that actually ventures outside
"fishing under the railroad trestle in the Hampton marsh" and your Gear and Tackle guy to have known what a danny is for more than the last 6 months
Oh no, if its not CAL running his tinhorn yet again. I'll be damned.

So whats wrong with Jim's Moderators? For one thing, if you actually thought you could run your mouth about me in a thread and not have me find out, uh-ah cupcake. Secondly, I fish from the Kennebec River in Bath, ME down to CT. throughout the season. So I think you should get your facts straight before you spew any of your internet swill and negativity about me. You and your canalpal Beach(sleep)walker seem to have some of the biggest chips on your shoulders in the online Striper community. Calvin, I probably travel and fish more in one month than you do all season, so please spare me your tirades. Also, if you would have opened your eyeballs a little more, you wouldve noticed there is more than one NE Mod.. I suppose now you'll make fun of Briggs for fishing the Rhode Island beaches, or maybe make fun of Charlie for fishing Plum Island? You act like an infantile buffoon CAL. Kill yourself.

You will also notice that unlike here, Mods. dont call members "jerks" and other names. Most of the Striper boards online have been BLOWN OUT & GAPPED OUT like an old Motley Crue groupie, by people like you CAL. Alot of people get sick of the atmosphere people like YOU bring to a community. This is the reason for other people starting newer boards.

And if your such a big, brawny man, and you have such a problem with the Hampton Estuary and its trestles, why not pick your bitch tits up and come on out and we'll have a little good ol fishin' derby That way, you could tell me your problem with me to my face, and not post your snide little remarks on your fave Striper message board.

Oh yeah, I've known about Danny plugs a little longer than 6 months buddy lol. You think because it was my first season actually throwing wood that big, that I never knew about them? LMAO. Your a mental midget. Go lay down.

Last edited by Jonny Bolt; 08-19-2004 at 03:26 AM..
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