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Old 04-29-2004, 07:49 AM   #4
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I heard about this on WEEI radio this morning on the drive to work. As a fellow UMass alumnus, I share your sentiments. After reading the entire text it actually sounds worse that Dennis & Callahan made it out to be.

However, we do need to recognize that it is, in fact, the first amendment that gives him the right to say this. You know - "I will disagree with what you have to say, but defend to the death your right to say it" (something like that). It is ironic that the very freedoms that our Constitution and Bill of Rights guarentee (such as Gonzalez's piece) are the kind of things that Taliban and Saddam loyalists oppose. Pat Tillman was not "defending the East coast from an invasion", but he was fighting for the security of this country and in essence, the freedoms, rights and open society that we (including Gonzalez) enjoy.

So if you do get his e-mail address, ask him how long he thinks he would remain alive if he wrote a similar piece about the Taliban or or Bath party if he lived over there. I'd love to hear his answer.

"Time and tides wait for no man", ... and neither do the fish.
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