Thread: Your Dead
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Old 04-12-2004, 03:27 PM   #18
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I believe that Christ was correct in His assertion that He was the way to the father and not "a way"... as many believe.

The tomb of every other worshipped diety contains the bones of those who were worshipped as "god" EXCEPT for Jesus Christ.

Only God has the power to lay down His life and take it back up again!...

Even time is measured by His birth around the world! Despite what other cultures believe!

Ever notice that there is no other "dieties" name that is used in vain apart from that of the name of Jesus Christ?...

How many of you have ever smashed your elbow on something, or got upset and then yelled out "BUDDAH!" or "MUHAMMED!"... or "Hare H. Krishna!"...

It's only Christ whose name is taken in vain, because there is a satan as there is a God, and it is God's name that he drags through the mud... and not those of the other supposed "dieties"
that are out there.

Have you ever noticed that it's much easier to talk about Buddhism, Islam and other eastern religions than it ever has been to talk about Christianity, or more specifically, about Jesus Christ or what the Bible says in today's society?...

The reason for this is because the Bible reveals the fullness of Who Christ is, and the Words of the Bible are living and active, and sharper than a two edged sword which divides bone and marrow, soul and spirit, and in addition, it judges the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Thus it's no wonder that people are afraid or offended by it!

The Bible is THE map left for us for finding salvation in addition to being the only "living" document that has ever existed !

People would rather lean on vain philosophy, or their own perceptions rather than to accept the truth that is communicated through the Scriptures...

Bloocrab noticed this very thing when he mentioned the number of responses to his post as opposed to the number of viewers...

He's onto something very important!... and true!

Great observation Bloo!...

There is a satan whose goal is to keep you and me from finding THE Way that leads to eternal life! And Gilly's observation is right on the money!

Secularism is everywhere!

Ever notice that colleges changed B.C. & A.D. to BCE and ACE...

What was that all about?... It was all about removing the belief of God in a classroom!

Even the very institutions that were founded by the church in this nation have removed God and all references to His name!

Not just schools, but also our Judicial Supreme Court System...

And in it's place, a different religion is and has been tuaght in the Public Schools and Universities... called evolution.


Depsite the secularist philosophy of this day, Christ had made a very politically incorrect statement in saying that He was THE way, THE truth, and THE life, yet He rose from the dead proving the assertions that He made, and thus proved He is God incarnate...

He has raised Himself above every other worshipped "diety" by claiming that He alone was THE way, truth, and life, and that nobody comes to the Father but through Himself...

That's a pretty bold statement that Christ made!

Yet He proved His identity when he arose from the dead!

No other world religion has made the bold claims that were made by Christ, and nobody but Christ was able to have proved those claims to be the only source of truth by raising themselves from the dead!

It's amazing to me what people will turn towards, when they turn away from the Truth...

For example,

As I have mentioned before, the popular "scientific" belief that Nobody plus nothing equals everything is the equasion of a fool...

There are many more evidences that exist which validate the message of the Scriptures as being an integrated message system from a Creator who is outside of our time domain Who in Himself is the source of all things.

I was once a skeptic, but then examined the evidence and concluded that the Scriptures are the infallible Word of the living God.

Some of the stunning discoveries I have made from science and more importantly, the Scriptures are as startling as life they are life changing!...

Those who follow the philosophy that our origins are "from the goo... to the zoo... to you"... need to take a closer look at what "science" has failed to sucessfully explain regarding the issue of origins...

You'll be shocked to discover that science has no tangable evidence for the origins of life whatsoever.... It is what secular scientists believe, rather than what they actually know...

Fact is, evolution is not science at all... it's a belief system that denies the existence of a Creator in order to try and justify one's own actions...

As I have also mentioned before...

An Atheist or secular "scientist" doesn't want to see God anymore than a thief wants to see a police officer!...

Science claims that matter literally evolved from nothing, and all of the matter in the universe later shrunk up into a tiny particle that begun to spin... and exploded!

a.k.a. the "Big Bang" Theory...

Scientists do not know where the matter came from, nor do they know where the energy came from to gather it, make it spin & explode, and yet they call this "science"...

And if you study physics and the laws of angular momentum (especially in a frictionless environment such as space...), if Big Bang were to be true, everything should be spinning in the same direction as the initial explosion that "started it all"...

But if you examine the universe, you'll find that not to be the case.

There are planets whose satellite moons are spinning and orbiting in the opposite direction as compared to others...

It is these types of evidences that blow holes in theories that are taught as "facts"...

That's not science friend... it's indoctrination!

Some of these secular "scientists" claim that gradual processes created order (which is also contrary to the basic laws of physics) and that through multiple mutations, order came from chaos.

Fact is, mutations have never ever produced anything new... just as one could not scramble the word Christmas & come up with words like "xerox" or "king"...

Nothing new has ever come from a mutation...

Mutations merely scamble the information that is already there...
and in the majority of mutations that exist, they have been anything BUT beneficial to a living organism!

In addition to this,

The fossil record has ZERO transition fossils in it, which supports the creation hypothesis that every living thing was made individually to reproduce after it's own kind...

Just as the Bible clearly points out.

There are many ideas floating around out there on Who or what God is, but if you consult the Scriptures, you'll find the answers to the most pertinent questions regarding God, man's origin and his destiny...

Scientists are not looking for a missing link, but rather they are looking for ANY link in the fossil record...

Fact is, to this day no such link exists. There are no proven transition fossils anywhere!

Thus the very term "the missing link" is deceptive from the outset given the fact that there are no links anywhere!

Let alone a chain with a link missing!!!

You would think with the millions of fossils that exist, that there would be at least some transition fossils in the mix?

There are none!

And yet this garbage can still be found as evidence for evolution in public school textbooks today.

Origins are an important issue, because if there is a God
(which there is...) Then there is a purpose to life whereas if there is no God, life is purposeless and meaningless beyond our physical existence...

Thus we see the philosophy that governs much of the world today... which says...

"Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die!"

There is not one shred of evidence in science that falls contrary to the scriptural account of origins.

However, there are many problems for those who hold to evolution as an answer to lifes most pressing questions of our origin and destiny.

The Scriptural evidence for the supernatural origin of the Scriptures are even more stunning than the physical evidences that we see in science that exist!

There is MUCH MUCH more to say concerning these things as well as in science than a mere thread could possibly allow.

If anyone would like to know about them, I'd be more than happy to share on them personally and invite you to check the evidences out for yourselves...

The Bible even has a viable explaination for the dinosaurs which the physical evidences of science actually seem to suggest today...

but you won't see it in a textbook at a school anywhere...

I assure you!

It amazes and angers me that so many have been duped by the false religion of this day which is hidden under the disguise of "science" ...called "evolution".

It is by definition a religion... just as Christianity is...

The only difference is that the religion of evolution is tax funded whereas Christianity is not.

Life has a purpose and a destiny, and there is a Personal Creator who has made all things.

He promises that those who search for Him will find Him when they search for Him with their whole heart.

I was a skeptic until 1989 when I made the most amazing discovery, that my entire life was changed by it.

The evidence absolutely blew me away.

For those who are skeptics like I was, I'm happy to show you some of the bizzarre evidences I had stumbled upon which had changed my life forever...

Christ is not a liar or lunatic... He is the Lord of all creation whether one recognizes it or not.

As I had mentioned, there is MUCH more to say on this, but unfortunately, it cannot be done in a mere thread...

Last edited by Bliz; 04-14-2004 at 11:48 AM..
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