Thread: Your Dead
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Old 04-06-2004, 10:36 PM   #5
Crafty Angler
Geezer Gone Wild
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I dunno, Gilly, I believe that some strong spirits never do die, they continue to go on in another plane or realm that we ordinarily don't get to see - the physical being just craps out on ya at a certain point. I don't know how else to explain it - I guess it depends on how 'sensitive' you are. I've just had some pretty interesting experiences, let's say, so I'm less skeptical than most.

I do believe in a supreme force, but not necessarily a 'being' as such - what is called the Great I Am, maybe it's God, or Buddha, or Jah or Krishna or Jehovah but I don't anthropomorphize - I think really they're all the same thing anyway, everybody just puts a different ethnic skin on them like their own for the comfort factor. Easier to believe God is on your side (for better or worse) if he's your own color, I suppose.

Ultimately, my beliefs lean a little more to the East although I don't really fall into any rigid set of beliefs - even though I'm a lapsed Lutheran.

And I always make a point of honoring the religion of whatever church, temple or shrine I find myself in - I'm just hedgin' my bets and try to keep the Karma clean, maaaaannn, just in case.

So what do I believe?

I'll be baa-aaack....maybe.

The only unanswered question that really worries me is what's gonna happen to my tackle?

"There is no royal road to this heavy surf-fishing. With all the appliances for comfort experience can suggest, there is a certain amount of hard work to be done and exposure to be bourne as a part of the price of success." From "Striped Bass," Scribner's Magazine, 1881.
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