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Old 03-14-2004, 01:56 PM   #26
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Chev, if that was meant to be a period on the end of the last sentence and what you said is true then Mel is a liar. Of all the interveiws I watched before the releasing of the movie, Mel being born again into to the faith was because he was an addict of everything he could grasp and only a matter of time before it kills him.

As christains the best way to show our faith and beleifes is by living by example. Everything we do has consequences, every action there's a reaction, things we didn't do we find out 10years from now we should have. I personely can look back on my stuggles in live and examine them... with out a doubt those times that I was away from the faith where the most difficult.....healthy financially and've heard a lost sheep looking for his shepard. My Dad's wisdom has taught me those three is what will truly make you rich man.
When we choose to live without faith whether it be christain, jewish or what ever the faith, we have chosen to make our selfs the higher power. Its then we fall for addictions.... self medication(drugs and alcohol, excessive eating ect.).

Gee,I know not all people are going to see the film to strengthen their faith, had it been the same film with half the violence less controversy then less would see it. I think Mel did the correct thing by making to the way he wanted to(more people) in order to send the message and make this world a better place. From what I understand he and others studied crucifiction in the time of christ, when 1000's of men where crucified for their crimes, this is how they treated crimals over 2000 years ago.

Hope that we as fisherman are not floating in the current with no pfd when we decide to make our God our highest power.

Last edited by Goose; 03-16-2004 at 08:04 PM..
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