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Old 12-21-2003, 10:54 AM   #12
Below Me
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We see the cycle under a magnifying glass here. I have seen 2 decades of ebb and flow and we are definetly on an Up right now. Yes, we are hearing and experiencing loss, etc. all around us but we have learned that this is a natural correction and a healthy shakeout for the market.

Bottom line: (IMO) when it comes to highend investments the mega wealthy now rule and I believe we are entering an era where is ok to be a "have not" because the elite are now more realistically defined and most wannabes have been pushed to the side. The beauty is (once again IMO) this is America and the climb up the financial ladder isn't anywhere near as class restrictive as other countries. If you are a super-financial success (and can hold it together) you are now a part of the 1%, super elite. The top of the food chain. Congratulations !

The tough part is can the rest of us hold it all together and accept our "place" in the world without pointing fingers and constantly comparing our worth to others ?

I live in one of these fish bowls and it is hilarious how disrespectful what the lack/abundance of wealth does to a persons demeanor. A bunch of friggin whiners

I suppose the rest of us will just keep chuckling to ourselves as we watch and listen to the "Be's" and the "Wannabes" go through their routine of life.

The one I love is when the client comes to me with a concept/dream for a woodworking project and doesn't understand the costs or commitment involved.
This is where it defines itself. When I communicate the potential costs (in order to keep it realistic) I find out who truly is and who is a wannabe. The "Be" will tell me that they realize there are costs but effort takes money so lets move forward and arrange a schedule. The "Wannabe" starts to haggle and squirm. In the past, I would take the wannabe projects and end up doing MORE work for LESS money. Then the friggin ass would walk through the door with a $10,000 plasma screen.

These kind of losers are now spotted VERY quickly and I will not budge on my pricing. I have no time for their games.

Some will say that it is woodworkers such as I that are making it expensive out here. When did my efforts at being professional and honest get pushed aside by a wheeler dealer with more guts than brains ?

Most of these people have something to do with Real Estate. They are without a doubt the classic wannabe and we professionally interact on a VERY cautious basis.

The world is a hilarious place sometimes. Throw in a couple of 's Mobsters and you have a film. Oh ya, that's right. They come out with a new dose of that shiite every other day...........

Here's to the honest and proud of the world.......

And to the rest of you..........

We're watching you........
(even if our eyes are a little bloodshot )
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