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Old 05-05-2024, 09:22 PM   #11
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Kingston, Ma
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Originally Posted by bloocrab View Post
Just the more reason why we should thank Redmond for keeping it UP. He's not blind, and the hope is always there I guess I'm not even sure how he covers the expense anymore, are any sponsors still active, in a sponsor-type-of-way$? (not a question, more of a statement)

In the meantime, I enjoy what little those that still post share with's good to hear they're still out there somewhere. I don't really bother with fishing sites anymore, not sure if it's time-related or where my focus is these days, so yeah, coming here is more of a social thing with friends from the past then coming to learn something new.
I miss a lot of people, some of them gone, others moved away, some in different circles or stages of life...but as long as this window is open, I'll keep sticking my head in every once and awhile
Always viewed your posts as a level headed wise man. Well stated.
I have met most of my dearest life long friends here. Most don't fish anymore. Those that do have been moved from the surf to boat ownership and now strictly tuna. The new generation of "look at me and my "pro-staff" hero status on other social media platforms has taken away the core of why most of us fish
Physical situation has kept me out of the game past 2 years crushing my soul but I still thrive off of even the political and lottery stuff just to see that like-minded people are still alive and kickin and thinking about striped bass enough that they like me come here. Hanging on to what was and never will be again. Great poeple and a dying breed.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
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