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Old 05-17-2023, 04:30 AM   #1
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Years ago at my old house my (now x) wife brought home a vintage whale weathervane and wanted me to install it. Now this was a two story home cut into a hill with a pretty steep roof pitch. I always hate asking neighbors for help if it’s their livelihood but I went to my neighbor, an old school commando carpenter and asked him how I get this thing up there. I’m good with carpentry but do not like heights. He just shook his head and said give it to me. Scampers up the ladder with the screw gun tucked into his jeans and climbs up the gable end with his free hand gripping the edge. Mounts the ridge and zip zip zip done. Must have taken him all of 10 minutes.

Thanks for chiming in Spence......Having spent most of my life framing and roofing houses.... Im right at home and am totally comfortable on any roof. Guys on the jobsite dubbed me spiderman long ago and it still fits.
I love being up here!

Last edited by Rmarsh; 08-26-2023 at 05:54 AM..
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