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Old 03-10-2023, 07:29 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Guppy View Post
I'm sorry I couldn't help myself... LOL

Attachment 69671
Here is an overview of what happened (12/15/22) that I had explained to another group following this project;

So here is where buying local paid off. I had the tank built to the specs I got directly from Grady White. Dimensions are good, but the locations for the fill, vent, ground, pick up and sender were all pretty far off. Like 8 inches away from the inspection ports. So, the tank has gone back to the fabricator, and he will relocate them after taking measurements off old tank.... I would have been in a pickle if I had bought from the NJ company. And I am fortunate that someone else recognized the issue BEFORE the tank was installed and the deck was laid down... "Trust but verify" served me well in this process. (I have to wonder if I would have seen that so early if I had been doing this alone...)

Lesson is don't trust manufacturer's drawings and have it built after removing existing.... I sent Grady the info with pics... They are putting a note in their files...Whoop dee do.

Also got the new steering install underway Seastar NFB 4.2 Rotary. Had to lift motor off its bolts in order to make the turn with the cable without needing to make a new cut out where the cable exits aft.

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