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Old 02-10-2023, 11:15 AM   #168
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Never once mentioned "waste" like you claimed. You are an angry POS of person. You are quick to insult and call people schizophrenic when you are the one imagining things people never said. You mock liberals and post 2-3 times when you think they rushed to judgement when you did exactly the same thing here. So any distain you feel for them you should look in the mirror and you will see the samething expect you are far worse.

You've called me a moron a few time here. Is it any wonder you have no friends here (maybe you consider the "moderate" a friend?).

You are a scummy douchebag.
You never, ever used the word "waste". But you did criticize her fpor wanting to keep DC's hands out of her citizens wallets, by which she was obviously referring to taxing and spending.

"You've called me a moron a few time here."

Do you need a list of what you've called me?

Paul, you said here, that citizens of states that take more from the feds than they give, shouldn't complain. Ok, fine. But do you feel the same way about people who live in poor cities in blue states? Obviously the city of Bridgeport receives more than it contributes. Do you feel those people also have no right to an opinion about taxes? Or, because those people happen to live in a state where, as a state, they contribute more than they receive, their right to have a say is restored?
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