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Old 02-09-2023, 05:29 PM   #148
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
I love his “people liked his policies” mantra it’s a classic hit and I guess if by that you mean the upper crust and big business, then yeah they like them why not it was a big money grab. If the policies were that good, everyone’s doing so much better, then I doubt his caustic personality would be such a deal breaker. Trump continues to be a weight dragging the GOP down. Jim can’t seem to understand why it comes around to Trump all the time, which to me seems like an easy thing to grasp. When you bash Biden and his performance, is it any wonder we bring up the previous administration? Trump cost you the White House, Trump led a coup, he cost you the big red wave and even now he is the only one with a hat in the ring for 24.
thing is, i backed it up. Trump had the all
time record in the Gallup poll, asking if americans are better off after four years of a president.

if you put his outrageous behavior aside, he delivered. unemployment 0.1% higher than it is now, lowest black unemployment ever, tax cuts, eliminating a lot of ( what was apparently) useless regulations, criminal
justice reform ( which your side has wanted for 30 years and obama chose not to do it), low inflation, stock market records, getting public and private sector together to quickly build covid testing and vaccine, increasing funding for black colleges. He did things i hated. but overall, america liked his policies.

insulting me, doesn’t make that wrong. it just makes you look stupid. you hated him to the point your brain cracked. we get it.

this kid why you’re all terrified of desantis. smart policies without the personal baggage ( so far).
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